Friday, December 31, 2010

January 2011 Week 1 (M2W1)

Ever stare in awe of how amazingly fit most dancers are? Their physique and strength, especially in their core muscles are due to...well, all that dancing they do! "Baile" means dance in Latin cultures.

If you're new to the MOVE challenge, below is the breakdown. The rest of you know what do, "Attending" Facebook MOVE January 2011 Challenge, and well on your way to showing off your sassy Latin moves, right?


Want a dancer's physique? Salsa moves, triceps dips, and planks: Week 1 - 1 minute each, Week 2 - 2 minutes each...and so on. MOVE with us!...Click "Like" on FB fan page or follow this blog. For those of you who are training for an Ironman Triathlon, do challenge activities along with scheduled workouts. Basic Salsa lesson on YouTube below or Click here.

As a community, let's reMOVE barriers we use as reasons “why not”. Instead, let’s all squeeze into each day our “WHY MOVE” reasons. Low impact for the joint-challenged, moderate for fitness divas, and challenging for the elite athletes! Let’s MOVE…because we CAN!

Q. How do I engage in community for the MOVE challenges?
A. Post Status on fan page wall, blog, or your personal page wall for accountability and sharing in community. Keep it simple: "M2W1D1 done!"
(Refer to so your friends know what you are talking about or keep them guessing.)

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Sit-balance on physio ball instead of desk chair or couch.

Add one new fruit and one new vegetable in your cart each week.

"Feel the burn!" unknown

December Week 5 (M1W5)

Fifteen whole minutes! How'd you do? Excited to being our MOVE January 2011 Challenge!

WEEK5 (only two days)
5 minute of jump rope
5 minute of crunches
5 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: Did  you break-up the minutes throughout the day? Hope so because 5  minutes of jumping rope would be waaay too much for most people accept maybe for the guys in for real military boot camp!

Onward to January!...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December Week 4 (M1W4)

Who would have thunk KrispyKreme pics would ever show-up on a fitness blog?!
My friend Stephanie and I had a long talk yesterday about forming long-term healthy habits, resistance to change, and building an accountability community. She and I have been focused and committed on improving our health for the past two to three years. We're both ready to move to the next level, and it's much easier to implement new approaches now that the habits are part of our lifestyle. Staying touch with your mentor or sponsor, and consistent commitment to your workout buddy or trainer, are essential to our your success. But, building an entire community online, through text, email or monthly "tea time" will become your secret weapons when you're slackin' off. My other friend Deborah turned me on to Daily Challenges and Marisa is currently using The 50 Million Pound Challenge for her program . Both are FREE online resources for accountability!

Did you ever hear your Mom say, "Birds of a feather flock together"? Lifestyles you associate with will influence you weather you allow them to or an innocent bystander or bysitter in group settings. Convenient positioning of Krispy Kreme donuts or chocolate-covered cookies in the middle of the meeting room table, doesn't mean you HAVE TO reach in. Trust me, I'm all for honoring gracious hosts, respecting customs, and holiday traditions. But if the consequences mean lethargy for 24 hours after all that high fructose corn syrup...SAY THIS IN YOUR ROOM VOICE: "Thanks, but no thanks."

We're in the home stretch! Keep moving! Tell your muscles who's boss. You can do this! Questions? Post a comment at the bottom of this post. For the next 12 your momentum toward optimal health! Click "Attending" at Facebook event.


4 minute of jump rope
4 minute of crunches
4 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: If you must break-up the minutes throughout the day, it's fine. Remember that you must push past your resting heart rate for 20 minutes or more for the MOVEment to positively impact your cardiovascular health.

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Park in the furthest parking spot from the front door of your destination (office, grocery/shopping, school, gym, etc.)

Drink more water all day long in small amounts.

"Muscle Memory: Give you body something healthy to remember." by Spike Stahl, Athletic Trainer & Track Coach

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December Week 3 (M1W3)

Front Lunge: Practicing lunges in front of a mirror will help you to get the
position of your front leg right: knee directly over foot, bent to a right angle

Here we go! Your body will be challenged to do more than whatever you've have been doing for a few weeks, months, or maybe years (heaven forbid)! You can split up the 3 minutes into 1-minute circuits or intervals. For example, jump rope for 1 minute, then crunches for minute 2, last front lunges for your 3 minute. Repeat this three times to get your full 3 minutes per MOVEment. This is a vital stage in lean muscle building. Challenging your body increases lean muscle mass which revs up your metabolism, and burns more fat!

Questions? Post a comment at the bottom of this post. For the next 12 your momentum toward optimal health! Click "Attending" at Facebook event.


3 minute of jump rope
3 minute of crunches
3 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: Use the circuit training or interval method to lighten the load per MOVEment.

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Park in the furthest parking spot from the front door of your destination (office, grocery/shopping, school, gym, etc.)

Drink more water all day long in small amounts.

"Your body, your workout!" by Marisa Mancke

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December Week 2 (M1W2)


Raising the bar from 1 minute each activity to 2 minutes is no small feat, even for the most "fit" people in the social media crowd. Increasing the duration or repetition of each activity is the best way for your body to continue it's forward progress toward developing strength and increasing muscle tone. For the next 12 your momentum toward optimal health! Leave comments below this post or click "Attending" at Facebook event.


2 minute of jump rope
2 minute of crunches
2 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: Mix it up a little. Do all three at 1 minute each then repeat.

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Park in the furthest parking spot from the front door of your destination (office, grocery/shopping, school, gym, etc.)

Drink more water all day long in small amounts.

Mind over muscle! MV

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December (M1W1)

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! MOVE December 2010 Challenge is revved up!!! Month 1 Week 1 (M1W1) is here! For the next 12 your momentum toward optimal health! Leave comments below this post or click "Attending" at Facebook event.


1 minute of jump rope
1 minute of crunches
1 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: Joint-challenged? Do mountain climbers or hula-hoop instead of jump rope.

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Park in the furthest parking spot from the front door of your destination (office, grocery/shopping, school, gym, etc.)

Drink more water all day long in small amounts.

Move it or lose it! (muscle tone and joint mobility)

Reserve your copy of the "MOVE To Be Fit - Get Moving!" book with stories that will give you hope, fitness and health resources, nutrition education, and inspiration from personal trainers and group fitness instructors that keep their participants motivated and create break-through moments. Excerpts will be published on this blog, eBook version available November 1, 2011, and print-on-demand, paperback version available November 15, 2011. Email your request to