Our MOVE September 2010 Challenge activities are designed to keep you moving whenever you can fit it in throughout your day, and to help with joint mobility. Two minutes here and there for a total of 10 minutes each day will not put you in the ideal aerobic phase to maximize cardiovascular benefits, but keeping your joints moving is a long-term responsibility. Slow, precise movements help even the most joint-challenged MOVE!...
SEPT 1: "Walk yourself"...Walking your dog reference. Silly, yah! The trick is to do this while holding a jump rope or stretch band in both hands, stepping forward then backward, and pulling yourself (feet and legs) along. Pictures coming!
Trainer's Tip: Avoid stepping or tripping by focusing on your balance and engaging core rather than speed.
SEPT 2: "Towel aerobics"...Really? Where my brain is at when this information comes in...dunno, don't ask. Funny thing about the web is that you can do a search for just about anything, and someone has probably beat you to the punch. Much like this time. See picture. While you are folding laundry, take your towels, sheets and other linens and shake all the wrinkles out before folding. Since you probably have two or more loads, you can do all the washing and drying then do all the folding at once so that you can actually break through and into aerobic phase of activity. This means that you may be able to talk through the activity but cannot sing. (My friend, Stephen Cherniske, gave me that tip in Denver this summer at our health & fitness breakout session. He helped the US Olympic athletes achieve peak performance levels in the 1983-84.)
Trainer's Tip: If this activity breaks out into towel snapping fights, you did NOT hear this from MOVE's fan pages.
SEPT 3: "Electric slide"...Reference on a line-dance, the electric slide. Yes, dance, people dance, dance, dance! Pick your own genre but if you were right next to me, you would freak at how I do the electric slide moves because I add jumps and moves that most people can't manage in heels. Show-offs: Jump while doing the "grapevine" movement toward the right then jump again toward the left. Yes, while doing the grapevine move, you jump-up & down instead of staying flat on your feet to make each step. I will try to post a video sometime today.? Video demo, in my heels while wearing my favorite tulees outfit!
Trainer's Tip: Good luck! Oh-Lah-oh-Lah-Yayay...VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS & SONG.
SEPT 4: "Yoga Flow"...A sequence of yoga postures blended together well.
Trainer's Tip: Pay attention to the breathing cues on the image.
SEPT 5: "Tahitian Dance"...(like hula) works the middle area. Shake it but don't break it! LOL! Here's a short list of the moves you can do two mintues of each: (1) The Ami-hip rotation, (2) Varu-figure eight where hips move in the shape of a figure eight the in parallel to the floor, (3) Fa'arapu-faster Ami, hips move around in fast circles, (4) Afata-box where hips hit in the shape of a box, (5) Tamau-sway right, sway left when hips bump from side to side. There are many others taught in the YouTube and a few for the guys as well!
SEPT 6: "Side steppin"...This one will seem a little weird at first but once you get the hang of it, you'll realize what a great core workout you get. OPTION 1: Instead of walking frontward, walk around your home, your daily walk or to and from the car...sideways. Be sure to balance leading with both left and right foot so that you are balanced. OPTION 2: You can also do this same activity in one spot on your floor (or the beach like the pic). It's like inline/ice skating in place. How boring is that!? Triathletes: Do this in squat position using bands around ankles.
Trainer's Tip: Turn your head in the direction you're headed so that you avoid running into stuff or people. The other name for this is "side lunge".
SEPT 7: "Umbrella twirling"...If you live near Seattle, you probably have two or three umbrellas. OPTION 1: Leave your umbrella closed and twirl like a baton. Five minutes in each hand. OPTION 2: Open umbrella and twirl you little heart out! (Like the ladies in pic from Beijing, China.) Trainer's Tip: Your forearms will likely be sore in a day or so because most of us don't work these muscles accept when working with weights or doing push-ups.
SEPT 8: "Self-massage"...This activity got a lot of buzz in August, so here ya go! Place a tennis ball (or hard rubber ball, 3-pk $5) under your trapezius or other tender areas along your middle to lower back and lie or press on it, wait 5 seconds, take a deep breath and then roll it around a around the trigger point. You can control the location and pressure by moving your body. Another way to reach your trap is to use the tennis ball against a door frame. This looks more awkward than it feels. Other areas are underneath your feet, piriformis, hamstring, soleus, IT band, quad, psoaz, and soleus by the calf. Pick your hot spots and massage for 10 minutes or more...
Trainer's Tip: Back off the pressure if you feel numbness or sharp pain. Foam roller can also be used. More info...
SEPT 9: "YMCA"...Yes, the song with the moves. You have to play it twice to get a full 10 minutes.
Trainer's Tip: Ask everyone at your office to join you on your 10 minute break.
Dancers with YMCA moves
Village People video
SEPT 10: "Candle dance"...Philippine Folk Dance Pandango sa Ilaw performed during large festivals and celebrations, requires coordination and dexterity (adroitness in using the hands). Use small, deep bowls or votive holders as containers for your tea light or votive candles. Simple MOVEs for your "candle dance" to slow flowy music: (1) for 2 minutes, hold candles flat in each palm then "float" candles directly in front of your then to your sides, hip high, (2) for 2 more minutes, hold front, hip level then reach up (while keeping hot wax inside container) toward the ceiling/sky while stepping front with alternating feet, elbows bent slightly then candles back down in front again, (3) just like a blender, make medium-sized, horizontal circles with candles in front of you, (4) like pulling a rope hand-over-hand, verticle circles with candles on left side for 2 minutes, then finally right for 2 more. Now, put it all together for your last two minutes for your performance in front of the mirror in the dark.
Trainer's Tip: Practice the first 8 minutes while candles are NOT yet lit, then do your dance for the last two minutes in the dark once they are lit. Pretty! Charge a $5.00 cover for people to watch you perform...
Watch video
SEPT 11: "Vacuum Lunge"...As you push forward, do a front lunge alternating legs with each push of the vacuum across your carpet for 10 minutes. Enough time to do a large living room or two small bedrooms.
Trainer's Tip: Keep your knees positioned directly above you ankles.
SEPT 12: "Yoga"...Hold poses for two (2) minutes each. (1) Downward Facing Dog, (2) Revolved Knee to the Head, (3) "L" pose (just made it up; (4) Triangle on knees, (5) Lotus - Half.
Trainer's Tip: Be aware of your breathing as you start and end each pose.
SEPT 13: "Couch surfing"...Yah know that thing you tell your kids and grand-kids NOT to do? When they aren't looking, take you shoes off, hop onto the couch cushion (or arm if it's sturdy & you have a strong core), and pretend like you're inside the pipeline riding on a surfboard in Hawaii. If you want to mimic the surfboard, balance your ironing board.
Trainer's Tip. Best on bare feet for better control and grip.
SEPT 14: "Wash on, wash off"...Karate Kid (1984 film) inspired. Don't worry, I'm not asking you to wash and wax a dozen cars! Just your car or just your car windows. It's a great arm workout to clean both the outside and inside windows. And, you'll drive safer because you can actually see out better!
Trainer's Tip: Natural, homemade cleaners save money and our environment. Read more... or HowTo...
SEPT 15: "Kick-me-boxing"...In front of a mirror, make like you're in a Bruce Lee film...Side-kick toward yourself with your right then plant that foot back down, jab with our left fist then jab with your right, side-kick with your left then plant that foot back down, jab with your right fist then jab with your left. Scoot (hop) backward two (2) paces away from the mirror. Front kick with your right, plant back down, front kick with left then plant, jab-jab. Repeat from the top. Continue to do reps until you hit 10 min.
Trainer's Tip: Kick only has high as your current flexibility will allow. Recruit a worthy opponent for friendly brawl. It's more fun that way!
Side & Front Kickboxing MOVEment detailed: (1) Lift your leg off the floor while your knee is bent at 20-30 degree kinda like a chicken wing. Pivot other leg with that foot positioned sideways, arch facing direction of your kick. (2) Extend your knee or kick from the knee. (3) Bend knee back, chicken wing, then plant foot back onto floor gingerly to minimize impact.
SEPT 16: "Loafing around"...Using a loaf of wrapped bread or bag of potatoes, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the bag with one hand. Bend your knees so you are in a squat position. Move the bag between your legs and switch to your other hand. In one continuous figure eight motion, raise the bag from behind you around to the front. Showoffs: Use kettlebell as shown in the image.
Trainer's Tip: Focus on maintaining good posture during 10 minute activity instead of speed. Keep you back straight and engage abs and core.
SEPT 17: "Towel lifts"...2 minutes each:
(Position 1) Roll up the towel lengthwise. Place one end in your left hand. Straighten your left arm directly over your head.
(Position 2) Reach behind your back with right arm and grasp three quarters of the way down the towel. Gently pull the towel behind your head with your right arm, bending your left arm behind your head, so your elbow points straight up. Inhale, holding the towel steady. Exhale and extend your left arm back to starting position, keeping tension on the towel with your right arm. Repeat on the other side.
(Position 3) Grasping an end in either hand, raise the towel over your head, arms extended.
(Position 4) Inhale, then slowly exhale, bending arms and lowering the towel down behind your head. Keep tension on the towel as you raise and lower it, but don't tense your neck.
(Position 5) Whirl towel over your head like football fans do. Switch arms.
Trainer's Tip: If this activity causes towel whipping fights. You didn't see it on MOVE!
SEPT 18: "Macarena"...Hope you can watch the YouTube.
Instructional Video
Music Video
SEPT 19: "Touchdown"...Nope, no football needed. (1) Stand with feet hip-width apart, abs engaged, with a pillow 3 feet in front of you. Lunge right foot forward, keeping knee behind toes, and grab pillow. (2) Push off right foot and stand up, lifting right knee while pressing pillow overhead. Hold for 1 breath; lunge to return pillow to start. Alternated sides.
Trainer's Tip: Focus on balance rather than speed. Remember to breathe.
SEPT 20: "Squeeze me"...Place firm, full pillow between thighs. Squeeze for 10-15 seconds, relax for 5 seconds. Repeat.
Trainer's Tip: Breathe!
SEPT 21: "Ham curl"...(1) Lie flat front side down with the ball or pillow between your ankles. Rest your head on your crossed arms. Squeezing the ball/pillow, lift your knees off the floor as high as you can, keeping your legs as straight as possible. (2) Slowly bend your knees until your feet point toward the ceiling. Exhale as you curl up; inhale as you release.
Trainer's Tip: Keep your knees off the floor at all times.
SEPT 22: "Step ups"...Find a step/bench/rock or anything stable that you can use for step ups. Base the height (or none at all) on current leg and core strength. With your left foot, step up on the top of the step/bench/rock pushing through the heel and bring the right knee up. Step down with your right leg and switch legs.
Trainer's Tip: Use your opposite arms to counter balance by swinging like when walking or running.
SEPT 23: "Breathe"...This sequence of arm movements, when combined with steady breathing, is an ideal way to wind-down after a busy day. Lie on your back with your arms by your sides (palms faced down), and your knees raised. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Close your eyes. While breathing in, raise both arms straight up, with your palms facing inwards. While breathing out, relax your shoulders and return your arms to your sides. While breathing in, raise your right arm over your head. While breathing out, return your right arm to your side. While breathing in, raise your left arm over your head. While breathing out, return your left arm to your side. While breathing in, stretch out both arms along the floor and to your sides, at 90 degree angles from your body. While breathing out, return both arms to their original positions. While breathing, raise both arms over your head. While breathing out, relax your shoulders and return your arms to your sides. Relax for a few moments. Ensure that your mind and body are completely still.
SEPT 24: "March"...Knees high, at hip level if you are able. Play your high school's fight song, march around the house or office, swing a broom in each arm, and make like the band leader. Blow a whistle if you have one! LOL!
Trainer's Tip: Be careful not to hit anyone with your baton...I mean broom.
SEPT 25: "Hangers"...Lock two plastic hangers together at the hooks. Pull apart gently. As they become a little more flexible, judge amount of give to avoid breaking. (1) Hold hangers at chest level, arms straight, pull apart hangers then relax. Repeat for 5 minutes. (2) Hold hangers over head, pull apart while bending at elbows and lowering to shoulder level. Repeat for 5 minutes.
Trainer's Tip: If you break the hangers, there are many more in your closet so relax. Do this activity 3x/week for 3 months and you'll tone the "other" hangers on your arms. Then, reward yourself with a new set of hangers.
SEPT 26: "Can-can"...Yip! You can!
Trainer's Tip: Only bring your legs as high as your current fitness level. As your flexibility increases with time, your kicks will improve and get higher.
SEPT 27: "Pillow pass"...Choose a firm bed or throw pillow (or ball) and lay with back flat on floor or mat. (Pos. 1) With legs and arms straight (out-stretched above your head), hold pillow or ball with both hands. (Pos. 2) Lift arms and legs up toward cealing to 90 degrees and "pass" the pillow or ball from hands to feet. (Pos. 3) Slowly lower arms and legs toward floor while maintaining firm grip of pillow or ball. Repeat Pos. 2 or "pass" move to back to hands, then back to feet again.
Trainer's Tip: Engage your core and use slow, fluid MOVEment.
SEPT 28: "Bench jump"...Pick your "bench" (curb, sidewalk corner) height carefully based on your joint strength and current fitness level. With bench underneath your mid-line, jump with both feet onto bench. Warm-up for 5 minutes by stepping up at a moderate pace onto and off bench, one leg at a time and alternating the leading leg. Start bench jumping for 15 seconds, recover (stop & catch your breath) for 30 seconds, 30s jumping, recover 30s, 45 seconds jumping, recover 30s, 30s, recover 30s, 15s jumping, recover with flexibility poses for calves, quads and hams. Trainer's Tip: When doing flexibility poses, hold still for 20-30 seconds. Avoid bouncing.
SEPT 29: "Demi plie (half bend)"...Bend your knees as far as you can, keeping your heels on the floor. Be sure that your knees go over your toes and that your body remains perfectly straight. Do 8 reps, rest 30 seconds, and do 8 more. Trainer's Tip: This movement works your quads, glutes, hamstrings, ankles, and feet.
SEPT 30: "Cha Cha Conchita"...Perfect activity to close out the month! Okay then. Find some Cha Cha music if you're offline and just MOVE BECAUSE YOU CAN! Dancer's Tip: A little warning about these YouTube videos I picked out...You might die laughing like I almost did. Watch all three to get your full 10 minutes! LOL!
Cha Cha Video 1 | Cha Cha Video 2 | Cha Cha Video 3
MOVE with us! Click "Attending" on Facebook Event.