Friday, December 31, 2010

January 2011 Week 1 (M2W1)

Ever stare in awe of how amazingly fit most dancers are? Their physique and strength, especially in their core muscles are due to...well, all that dancing they do! "Baile" means dance in Latin cultures.

If you're new to the MOVE challenge, below is the breakdown. The rest of you know what do, "Attending" Facebook MOVE January 2011 Challenge, and well on your way to showing off your sassy Latin moves, right?


Want a dancer's physique? Salsa moves, triceps dips, and planks: Week 1 - 1 minute each, Week 2 - 2 minutes each...and so on. MOVE with us!...Click "Like" on FB fan page or follow this blog. For those of you who are training for an Ironman Triathlon, do challenge activities along with scheduled workouts. Basic Salsa lesson on YouTube below or Click here.

As a community, let's reMOVE barriers we use as reasons “why not”. Instead, let’s all squeeze into each day our “WHY MOVE” reasons. Low impact for the joint-challenged, moderate for fitness divas, and challenging for the elite athletes! Let’s MOVE…because we CAN!

Q. How do I engage in community for the MOVE challenges?
A. Post Status on fan page wall, blog, or your personal page wall for accountability and sharing in community. Keep it simple: "M2W1D1 done!"
(Refer to so your friends know what you are talking about or keep them guessing.)

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Sit-balance on physio ball instead of desk chair or couch.

Add one new fruit and one new vegetable in your cart each week.

"Feel the burn!" unknown

December Week 5 (M1W5)

Fifteen whole minutes! How'd you do? Excited to being our MOVE January 2011 Challenge!

WEEK5 (only two days)
5 minute of jump rope
5 minute of crunches
5 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: Did  you break-up the minutes throughout the day? Hope so because 5  minutes of jumping rope would be waaay too much for most people accept maybe for the guys in for real military boot camp!

Onward to January!...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December Week 4 (M1W4)

Who would have thunk KrispyKreme pics would ever show-up on a fitness blog?!
My friend Stephanie and I had a long talk yesterday about forming long-term healthy habits, resistance to change, and building an accountability community. She and I have been focused and committed on improving our health for the past two to three years. We're both ready to move to the next level, and it's much easier to implement new approaches now that the habits are part of our lifestyle. Staying touch with your mentor or sponsor, and consistent commitment to your workout buddy or trainer, are essential to our your success. But, building an entire community online, through text, email or monthly "tea time" will become your secret weapons when you're slackin' off. My other friend Deborah turned me on to Daily Challenges and Marisa is currently using The 50 Million Pound Challenge for her program . Both are FREE online resources for accountability!

Did you ever hear your Mom say, "Birds of a feather flock together"? Lifestyles you associate with will influence you weather you allow them to or an innocent bystander or bysitter in group settings. Convenient positioning of Krispy Kreme donuts or chocolate-covered cookies in the middle of the meeting room table, doesn't mean you HAVE TO reach in. Trust me, I'm all for honoring gracious hosts, respecting customs, and holiday traditions. But if the consequences mean lethargy for 24 hours after all that high fructose corn syrup...SAY THIS IN YOUR ROOM VOICE: "Thanks, but no thanks."

We're in the home stretch! Keep moving! Tell your muscles who's boss. You can do this! Questions? Post a comment at the bottom of this post. For the next 12 your momentum toward optimal health! Click "Attending" at Facebook event.


4 minute of jump rope
4 minute of crunches
4 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: If you must break-up the minutes throughout the day, it's fine. Remember that you must push past your resting heart rate for 20 minutes or more for the MOVEment to positively impact your cardiovascular health.

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Park in the furthest parking spot from the front door of your destination (office, grocery/shopping, school, gym, etc.)

Drink more water all day long in small amounts.

"Muscle Memory: Give you body something healthy to remember." by Spike Stahl, Athletic Trainer & Track Coach

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December Week 3 (M1W3)

Front Lunge: Practicing lunges in front of a mirror will help you to get the
position of your front leg right: knee directly over foot, bent to a right angle

Here we go! Your body will be challenged to do more than whatever you've have been doing for a few weeks, months, or maybe years (heaven forbid)! You can split up the 3 minutes into 1-minute circuits or intervals. For example, jump rope for 1 minute, then crunches for minute 2, last front lunges for your 3 minute. Repeat this three times to get your full 3 minutes per MOVEment. This is a vital stage in lean muscle building. Challenging your body increases lean muscle mass which revs up your metabolism, and burns more fat!

Questions? Post a comment at the bottom of this post. For the next 12 your momentum toward optimal health! Click "Attending" at Facebook event.


3 minute of jump rope
3 minute of crunches
3 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: Use the circuit training or interval method to lighten the load per MOVEment.

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Park in the furthest parking spot from the front door of your destination (office, grocery/shopping, school, gym, etc.)

Drink more water all day long in small amounts.

"Your body, your workout!" by Marisa Mancke

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December Week 2 (M1W2)


Raising the bar from 1 minute each activity to 2 minutes is no small feat, even for the most "fit" people in the social media crowd. Increasing the duration or repetition of each activity is the best way for your body to continue it's forward progress toward developing strength and increasing muscle tone. For the next 12 your momentum toward optimal health! Leave comments below this post or click "Attending" at Facebook event.


2 minute of jump rope
2 minute of crunches
2 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: Mix it up a little. Do all three at 1 minute each then repeat.

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Park in the furthest parking spot from the front door of your destination (office, grocery/shopping, school, gym, etc.)

Drink more water all day long in small amounts.

Mind over muscle! MV

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December (M1W1)

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! MOVE December 2010 Challenge is revved up!!! Month 1 Week 1 (M1W1) is here! For the next 12 your momentum toward optimal health! Leave comments below this post or click "Attending" at Facebook event.


1 minute of jump rope
1 minute of crunches
1 minute of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: Joint-challenged? Do mountain climbers or hula-hoop instead of jump rope.

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Park in the furthest parking spot from the front door of your destination (office, grocery/shopping, school, gym, etc.)

Drink more water all day long in small amounts.

Move it or lose it! (muscle tone and joint mobility)

Reserve your copy of the "MOVE To Be Fit - Get Moving!" book with stories that will give you hope, fitness and health resources, nutrition education, and inspiration from personal trainers and group fitness instructors that keep their participants motivated and create break-through moments. Excerpts will be published on this blog, eBook version available November 1, 2011, and print-on-demand, paperback version available November 15, 2011. Email your request to

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

December is almost here!

Designer sportswear sponsored by

In the interest of time, simplicity and creating consistency, the MOVE December 2010 Challenge is taking on a new form. Posting different activities each day was overwhelming for both writers and participants during August, September, and October 2010 challenges. So much so, that we took November off to refocus, refuel, and re-engage.

Voted #1 personal trainer in the "2010 Best of Western WA" contest, my friend Marisa Mancke, of Happy Hour by Marisa, creates "monthly challenges" for her clients. These daily exercises stay relatively the same but may increase in duration or intensity levels. Marisa shouts outs during her Cardio Striptease classes, "It's your body. It's your workout!" Straight from Miss M's nurturing yet motivating lips. What does Marisa mean by her phraseology? During her fitness classes, it's a verbal cue or reminder to listen to your own body, how you feel, and recognize that your fitness level may not be the same as others participating in the challenge or gal (or dude) next to you in her class.

During Marisa's "century challenge", she elicits her most fit clients to drop down for 100 push-ups, sit through 100 crunches, go lower for 100 squats, each day. Yes, I repeat, each day! One hundred ("century") of each exercise broken-up throughout the day in bite sized chunks are the way most participant get theirs done. For triathletes all in one session. Yaah, that's a lot for most people! I get that. But her followers...well, followed. Along with the rest of her "fans" on Facebook, we were all posting comments to let her know that we completed that day's challenge. This accountability "M.O." has worked for many, and has worked for yours truly for almost two years.

Courtesy of

Your focus throughout each month for the next 12 months of MOVE Challenges, is to create simple, sustainable lifestyle habits. One such habit is scheduling the time to "fit" in your 3-12 minute activity. Squeezing in additional time to walk from your car to and from your office building, kid's school, grocery store, dry-cleaner, salon/barber, or Subway. If you're ready for jump rope, crunches and front lunges; scheduling the 3-12 minutes isn't a big deal if you make it a fun, family-time event, and in community with other health-seekers like you.

You won't need a gym membership, or personal trainer for each session. Your body doesn't remember what it didn't do. Come on! From just 3-12 minutes each day, give your body something healthy to remember!


1 minute of jump rope
1 minute of crunches
1 minute of front lunges

2 minutes of jump rope
2 minutes of crunches
2 minutes of front lunges

3 minutes of jump rope
3 minutes of crunches
3 minutes of front lunges

4 minutes each of jump rope
4 minutes of crunches
4 minutes of front lunges

Trainer's Tip: Joint-challenged? Do burpees, mountain climbers, or hula-hoop instead of jump rope.

You get the idea, right? Okay then! Here we go...Follow along on this blog, Facebook MOVE Event or request MOVE tweets to notify to your cell phone. Required minimum for each day in December, along with whatever you've already got planned or your personal trainer has your doing.

For the joint-challenged or sedentarians (beginners):
Park in the furthest parking spot from the front door of your destination (office, grocery/shopping, school, gym, etc.)

Drink more water all day long in small amounts.

Move it or lose it! (muscle tone and joint mobility)
To get lean, get mean! (mentally disciplined as in)
Mind over muscle! (power through)

What's your favorite motivational phrase?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

hCG vs Paleo

In the last six to seven weeks, the topic of certain hormone diet "drops" has become front row center in my visual field. My friends and new clients have asked for my viewpoint about this popular method of weight loss. After reading the same articles for the third time, and closely analyzing online data from several reliable non-biased, science-based resources; the part about urine from pregnant women being the source of the stuff grosses me out. says, "Paleo is a simple dietary lifestyle that is based on foods being either in or out. In are the Paleolithic Era foods that we ate prior to agriculture and animal husbandry (meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, vegetables, roots, fruit, berries, mushrooms, etc.). Out are Neolithic Era foods that result from agriculture or animal husbandry (grains, dairy, beans/legumes, potatoes, sugar and fake foods).

Optimal Foraging Theory says our ancestors mostly ate foods that were easiest to hunt or gather at that specific locale. As nomads we would have adapted to various mixes of foods. Under the paleo concept the quantities consumed of each 'in' food is up to the individual. You can make it meat heavy if you want, or more fruit and veggies if you prefer, as long as the foods you eat are paleo. Fruits in the Paleolithic would have been tart and smaller, and you may want to limit modern fruit because of this."

You decide if you think it's a sustainable, "healthy" choice. Do the same thing I did and use keywords "hCG diet" and let me know what you gather from a quick search. is a resource for clinical double blind studies, when a manufacturer will actually invest resources to test their products' effectiveness.

PubMed is an excellent starting point for locating peer reviewed medical sources. It offers a free search engine for accessing the MEDLINEdatabase of biomedical research articles offered by the National Library of Medicine at the U.S. National Institutes of HealthHere's the link specifically related to the aforementioned hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin as it relates to treatment for obesity: Click here (PubMed).

I wanted to compare the claims that are being thrown around about how much and how fast weight loss is going on, to this guy's story about a more simple, sustainable "diet" that I adopted almost two years ago. The blog post below is one of many testimonies you'll find online demonstrating gradual, natural approaches to healthy eating and lifestyle choices for the long-term.

15 Pounds in 24 Days...and Falling!

Click here for link to blog. (Photo courtesy of blog.)
Not only is my blood sugar coming down, but, so is my weight. As of this morning (11-17-07), I have lost 15 pounds in the 24 days since beginning the Paleo Diet, and the first three days were my transition period, when I was still eating some of the "bad" stuff.
So, from merely cutting grains and dairy and processed foods from my diet, plus walking a little, I am down from 233 pounds (as weighed by my nutritionist - now former nutritionist) on October 25th to 218 pounds, as of today. Proof positive that the Paleo Diet is great for weight reduction.

What is happening is that my body has accumulated a lot of fat over the last ten years or so and now, in order to maintain itself, it requires the same amount of calories per day that I was taking in. But, the difference is that now it's not finding those extra calories, because I'm no longer supplying them. If there aren't sufficient calories to maintain all that fat, then it gets burned off as my body goes into "starvation" mode (actually, a state of ketosis) and begins burning fat for energy. Since I have way more fat on me than there are calories to maintain it, it's being burned at a fairly high rate: about .6 pounds of it per day, by my calculations.

Ketosis is a stage in metabolism which occurs when the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies which can be used by the body for energy. Aside from rapid loss of body fat, you can tell you're in a state of ketosis by the smell of your urine. It has a kind of "funky" odor to it that is quite unusual.

Any successful weight (fat) loss program should produce ketosis, otherwise, you're just losing water and, worse yet, perhaps muscle tissue. The big difference in the Paleo Diet is that you're gaining muscle mass, just by the way you're eating. In your former typical American diet, you had very little protein to supply the body with the building blocks for lean muscle tissue. But, on the Paleo Diet, which is rich in high quality protein, you're supplying your body with all the protein it needs to build new muscle. This means that, when there are fewer calories in your diet than there used to be (because you're not pumping yourself full of sugar and starch anymore), your body has to find fuel elsewhere and it starts using your fat reserves as fuel. In other words, your body goes into a ketonic state, in which your liver is processing fat into fatty acids and ketones. It's the ketone waste you smell in your urine. Since the Paleo Diet ensures you'll be gaining muscle mass - not losing it, you're protected from the ill effects of other diets, which only cause you to shed water and muscle tissue.

If my calculations are correct and I'm losing weight at the rate of about .6 pounds per day, assuming that remains constant, I'll be down to about 190 pounds in another 46 days or so. Now, you may ask, what's to prevent this from becoming a "runaway" weight loss? Well, your body's natural tendency is toward equilibrium. In other words, you could never continue losing body weight as long as you're eating food, once you get to a certain weight. We each have an ideal weight at which our body will naturally reset itself to, given the right conditions; i.e., the right diet and exercise level. It's been many years since I've been at that ideal weight and I have gained muscle mass, via strength training in the 1990s, so I don't really know what my ideal weight is, yet. My body will tell me when it gets there. I would guesstimate, though, that it's somewhere between 190 and 200 or so. I say this because, when I began putting on muscle in my early forties, I started out at a weight of around 190 or so. But, I may not have been as lean then as I thought I was, and part of that weight may have consisted of some excess fat. I guess I'll know for sure when my weight loss stabilizes and I'm at equilibrium again. Man, that's gonna feel good! (Link to this blog.)

Wikipedia |

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


After reading this article below, the writing style impressed me as much as the content. Physical activity, consistent, and moderate to challenging exercise, is a great way to achieve a natural state of euphoria. "During exercise, there is a release of endorphins in the body that are capable of producing feelings of euphoria and a general state of well being. The feelings produced can be so powerful that they can actually mask pain." says


The French novelist, Michel Tournier, believed that euphoria carried within its etymology the key to a fundamental transformation in the Western conception of the self. The word, which is now interpreted as little more than a feeling of light-headedness or a general sensation of well-being, originally occupied a much more moral position. Its Greek root of eu, meaning goodness, happiness, or contentment, and phoria, signifying the act of carrying, reveal a more effort-bound situation in which the individual supports happiness or bears themself with joy. The etymology suggests that contentment and joy are states demanding a persistent and active engagement. Tournier draws a parallel with the coterminous etymology of Christopher, from the martyred giant who achieved his sainthood by carrying Christ.

This idea of euphoria as a state achieved through effort and activity has now largely disappeared. With the advent of Christianity and the rise of Calvinism, in particular, a more passive view of the self and its emotions has emerged. Euphoria is now regarded as a state which overwhelms the personality. In medical terms euphoria is defined as a form of mood elevation inappropriate to circumstances, brought on by diseases of the nervous system such as syphilis or multiple sclerosis. In religious terms it connotes the epiphanies and awakenings of passive soul. The American psychologist, William James, described the state as one ‘in which the will to assert ourselves and hold our own has been displaced by a willingness to hold our mouths and be as nothing in the floods and waterspouts of God.’ James offered his own explanation for this connection between euphoria and passivity, arguing that the emotion emerged only when the self gave up its struggle with the world and instead surrendered to the uprushes of the subconscious life.

In recent years, a middle way has emerged between the active and passive models of euphoria. The growing use of euphoriant drugs such as MDMA (‘ecstasy’) and MDEA (‘eve’) has encouraged a new perspective in which the emotional life is seen as the passive product of the brain's biochemistry whilst the self maintains the familiar control and discrimination of the modern consumer.

In medical terms, as well as its association with such drugs, euphoria, defined as mood elevation inappropriate to the circumstances, may accompany mental illness and diseases affecting the nervous system, such as syphilis and multiple sclerosis.
— Rhodri Hayward

Saturday, October 9, 2010

On the road again...

For Rudee...Relate to your post about back & disc issues. On a pain scale 1-5, I reached 4.75 several times in the 8-week period following that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class (a martial art and combat sport that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting) in Seattle's University District in early January 2011. I didn't get an MRI but all symptoms pointed to C5-6 disc injuries and pinched nerves. First time visitors should never be asked to pair up a 5.1, 115 pound Filipina (me) with a gorilla-sized 6-foot tall, 220 pound dude (member of the "club") with arms the same circumference has her legs. Right?

My team of Chiropractors, rehab specialist, massage therapist, and acupuncturist all told me to "take it easy, take time off of work, and pull back from training and workouts. How was I supposed to do that when I had a full-time job and the Seattle Rock-N-Roll half marathon to train for?! That would have been my first half marathon ever. Ghurrrr! Tear-jerking, crawl-to-the-bathroom PAIN...that's how! Yikes! I completely lost the use my left arm for a few weeks, and couldn’t even carry my purse. That was the same arm that I used to wrap around tree-truck-dude's arms for the "knee grab" martial arts move. My point finger is still numb until today, left biceps tendon went out of the groove, and one of my Chiropractors described my extreme shooting pain as "zingers" with manual adjustments in my upper spine. One Chiropractor had to use a little clicker device and activator method for a little while until the inflammation calmed down enough for manual manipulation. Lying in bed with ice-packs for several days was not my idea of training for a half marathon! Alas, after that one miraculous massage therapy treatment with magic fingers Therese, and lots of rest; my healing path turned a huge corner.

In those eight weeks, no pain-killers, no muscle relaxants, no drugs of any kind, no hospitals, no tests, no expensive MRI, and no-one traditional doctors or Western Medicine. I did use only plant-based regenerative nutrition, finally did take time off work, iced, iced, iced and when the ice pack got warm got the second and iced some more, and lots of prayers!

Once I felt confident that I could start working out again, I approached each fitness activity or routine carefully. I gradually got back to my weekly running routine and in a few weeks could run five miles with little fatigue. On the early morning of April 11th, I ran in the Seahawks 12K race and did 10 minute-miles; faster than I planned. I missed the Rock-N-Roll half June 26th due to other knee injuries (another long post on the way) but now on track for Seattle half this November 28th.

Being confined to bed-rest gave me a whole new understanding, respect for those who are suffer from chronic pain, and time to think about my passions and long-term goals. I decided to start working on my skill set as an athletic trainer, and in the process of completing a few more certifications. My focus is working with health-seekers who are "joint-challenged" but want to improve, maintain their fitness levels without exacerbating their injuries, and have just completed post-injury rehab and committed to long-term fitness, OR someone hasn't worked out in years do to chronic pain.

When I share my story at events, meet-ups and online, many people come-up to me and share their own story. They relate to my experience, understand the level of pain that keeps you awake all night, and the emotional toll that chronic pain can cause. You may not plan to check out a martial arts class, but if you do try a new activity; be aware of your body’s limitations and get around people who put your safety and well-being ahead of the athletic pursuit or triumphant victory in pinning some big dude to the ground.

I applaud your approach, Rudee, praise your courage and appreciate your blog. I ran a crossed your post when I was looking for "backbend over the ball photo" for my blog and Facebook posts. You can find me on and also FB MOVE To Fit monthly challenges.

Cheers to your continued path toward healing!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

October is a big deal!

October marks our third month of the MOVE monthly challenges and also National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, y'all! The organization is Celebrating 25 Years of Awareness, Education, and Empowerment.

If you know anyone one who is a breast cancer survivor or literally fighting for their life, give them a big hug and say "I believe in your 100% recovery, and come into agreement with you that you are already healed..." or your own personal expression to help empower and encourage them in their path toward optimal health.

This month will be a very special MOVE To Be Fit celebration of our health! Besides the fact that most of us can follow along in each daily activity, let's celebrate the fact that we are able to get out of bed in the morning and know that we "get to" live.

Life, your breath is a blessing, an honor and a privilege we should celebrate everyday; not just in October. Click now to join the MOVEment!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

September challenge is here!...

At MOVE To be Fit...September will offer a new month of activities, and we'll change up the pace a little by splitting-up the 10 minutes throughout the day! Daily activities...

Q.: How do I follow or post comment for the September challenge?

A.: Each activity will be posted the day before on the fan page wall and event page so that everyone is doing the same thing ("MOVEment") along with workouts already planned for the day. "Comment" on the activity post daily on the fan page wall or event from each participant is REQUIRED for prize eligibility... for fun, accountability, and sharing in community about your accomplishment, trails and for support about barriers you may be facing.

GRAND PRIZE: tulees September Sportswear Shopping Spree!


REQUIREMENTS: Complete all 30 "MOVE September 2010 Challenge" activities, post to THIS EVENT WALL or FAN PAGE WALL with daily "Comments" beneath the daily activity post.

September detail.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


MOVE Monthly Challenges are in full throttle! We'll giggle and have fun explaining to our families and co-workers what we're up to when they see us on the MOVE for each daily activity. Continue to invite more friends and family. Building community is key to your consistent commitment to your own wellness.

MOVE To Be Fit is launching a campaign to encourage health and fitness communities to "sponsor" events for the next 12 months with incentives (i.e. designer fashion/sportswear, t-shirts, athletic gear, personal training, nutritional products, etc.) all the while helping to promote their businesses and/or support their cause.


Fitness apparel or accessories
Home gym or fitness equipment
Personal training or passes
Nutrition products

Body Work
Chinese Medicine
Herbal Medicine
Holistic Health Practitioner
Naturopathic Medicine
Personal Training

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

MOVE August 2010 Challenge

Being able to move is a privilege!...Recently, I visited my family and had a startling revelation about how much of an impact food, fitness and lifestyle choice makes in our overall health. My mother, my uncle (Mom’s brother), and siblings all have one thing in common. They had no clue what my biggest motivator is for running a mile outside in the 79 degree evening heat, and doing my “Kick-Your-Own-BootieCamp” in the middle of the dinning room next to the buffet table! No clue!

Really? Really.

My Uncle, who is visiting from the Philippines, has amazing energy, vitality, muscle tone, and doesn’t take 10 pills a day like the others in my family. He’s a great cook, walks daily, loves to be in my Mom’s garden early everyday and most importantly, he’s very positive, compassionate, takes personal interest in you, in the moment as if you are the only one in the room, smiles and laughs out loud…A LOT!

If you follow my Facebook pages, you know that my daily wall posts are about daily healing in all areas: Spirit, Mind and Body. The order of priority may seem odd because my posts may seem “body” focused. The reality is that with balance, SPIRIT being my highest priority, feeding my MIND positive, and protecting from negative; then my BODY can stay the course through the discipline and stamina required to maintain optimal health. Which "diet" is the best, you may ask? Well, my approach simple: eat as much as you’re going to burn off each day from God’s grocery store, avoid processed anything or “factory made” (packaging is skin/flesh not boxes or plastic wrap), engage in a bioavailable regenerative nutrition regimen, and MOVE everyday. The diet is usually referred to as the "Paleolithic Diet" referring to the Paleolithic or Stone Age era. It is also referred to as the "Stone Age Diet", "Cave Man Diet" or the "Hunter-Gatherer Diet". I avoid the microwave, and by composing natural packaging; I'm also helping to preserve the environment.

As my relatives sat around the card table(s), played Mahjong, discussed their ailments, pills they take for them, and how Auntie or our cousin’s health issues have put them out of the job market. I decided to keep my lips shut and focus on my workout. Below are a short list of their comments, rants and raves. Some are loosely translated from three dialects spoken in our family home.

“She likes maintaining her skinny figure.”
“I guess if she teaches fitness classes, she has to look the part.”
“My son bought me dumbbells last Christmas but I haven’t used them yet.”
“That’s what the younger generation is going now a-days.”
“She is really sweating a lot…OMG!”
“It’s way too hot to be doing all that.”
“I don’t have time to exercise.”
“Those look really hard.”
"I'm too fat to do that."
"I tried exercising once and it hurt."
“You’re sweating all over Mom’s carpet!”

What was my revelation you ask? Just MOVE! It’s the consistent theme, anthem, sayings in my FB pages, brand and lifestyle. Please don't trademark the brand: “Just SIT”. I will put together a list of ridiculously simple (easy) activities that ANYONE, even my 83-year-old, diabetic, arthritic, Mom can do each day. If my Momma can do them, so can we.

Click "Attending" Facebook Event

In June, one of my mentors, Marisa Mancke, challenged us all to “just move and do something everyday for ten minutes”. Together as a community, let's remove barriers we allow ourselves as reasons “why not”. Instead, let’s all start every morning with “WHY MOVE” reasons in August (kinda like Proverbs). This will be sooooo easy for all of us to participate and succeed! No woman, man, child or pet (yes, the four-legged kind) will be left behind.

If you have friends who aren’t on Facebook yet who you want to invite to the “MOVE Challenge”, cut and paste the FB Invitation or Note and paste it into email for them.

Let’s MOVE…for health’s sake and because we can!

Click "Attending" Facebook Event

TO GET THE T-SHIRT: Be in the group along with the first five (5) that complete all the challenge activities before midnight on August 31st; or invite five (5) others who join the fan page and post at least one comment each on the fan page wall.

Friday, June 4, 2010

What's your "why"?

The Top 7 Reasons to MOVE!

Summer has come and gone. And now you're planning to rip up the powder this winter season.

Whether you can't wait to bare it all in the tropics, snowboarding, or if you're still working toward a weight loss goal, exercise is the key to looking and feeling great all year long!

Register for an event today! Click here

But why else should you exercise? Here are the top 7 reasons to MOVE this season:

Reason #1: To Melt Fat Away

The most coveted side effect of exercise is, of course, fat burn. The combination of a challenging exercise routine and a balanced meal plan is the best known way to lose fat.

Here's what losing fat feels like:
*Your pants become loose.
*People around you begin to say that you look great!
*A glance at yourself in the mirror makes you smile.
*Your energy levels soar. You feel amazing.

Reason #2: To Alleviate Pain

Regular exercise is a great way to alleviate chronic muscle and joint pain. Persistent back pain can be lessened by strengthening your core, and you’ll protect yourself against injury.

It amazes people when the chronic pain that they’ve lived with for years begins to fade after starting a regular exercise program.

Reason #3: To Increase Lean Tissue

More muscle is good for many reasons. You see, muscle requires many more calories each day than fatty tissue. In fact, one pound of muscle burns 30-50 calories each day at rest - compared to a measly 9 calories per pound of fat.

When you exercise your body composition will change to contain more lean tissue, thus resulting in extra calories burned while you sleep. What could be better than that?

Reason #4: To Stay Young

Tim D. Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College in London, led a study on the effects of exercise on aging. The results were astounding. They found that exercise appears to slow the shriveling of the protective tips on bundles of genes inside cells (called telomeres), which means a slowing of the aging process.

Here's the study in a nutshell:

*Telomeres cap the ends of chromosomes and every time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter. Once a telomere gets too short, that cell can no longer divide.

*Aging occurs as more and more cells reach the end of their telomeres and die. This results in weakened muscles, skin wrinkles, loss of eyesight and hearing, organ failure and slowed metal functioning.

*The study analyzed the telomeres from the white bloods cells of twins over a 10-year period. Telomere length was used as a marker for the rate of biological aging. It was found that the length of telomeres was directly related to that twin's activity level.

"There was a gradient," Spector said. "As the amount of exercise increased, the telomere length increased."

*People who did 100 minutes of weekly exercise had telomeres that looked like those from someone about 5-6 years younger than those who did 16 minutes of exercise each week. People who did 3 hours of vigorous exercise each week had telomeres that looked like those from someone about 9 years younger.

Reason #5: To Prevent or Control Type 2 Diabetes

Regular exercise helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. This is something that people with type 2 diabetes, or at risk for type 2 diabete, gain substantial benefits from.

Exercise improves the body's use of insulin, and the related weight loss improves insulin sensitivity. Of course patients with type 2 diabetes need to get guidelines from their doctor before starting an exercise program.

Reason #6: To Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels

Exercise has shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels for these two reasons:

Weak Heart Muscles pump little blood with lots of effort. By exercising you strengthen your heart muscles and train them to pump more blood with less effort. The stronger your heart is the less pressure will be exerted on your arteries.

Exercise Increases HDL levels in some people - this means a decrease in your risk for heart disease. Other heart disease risk factors such as weight, diabetes and high blood pressure all show improvement with regular exercise.

Reason #7: To Feel Great

The first thing that clients tell me after starting an exercise program is how much better they feel.

Most didn't even realize how bad they felt. It is easy to get used to feeling sluggish, achy and unmotivated.

Exercise boosts your energy levels and makes you feel amazing.

The quickest, easiest way to guarantee that you'll meet your fitness and weight loss goals is to work one-on-one with a qualified fitness professional. You'll be held accountable with your workouts and you'll be instructed properly and shown techniques and strategies that will expedite your results.

Post on our wall or send email today to for a free consultation.

What are you waiting for? Lace up your shoes and get moving!

Your Reason:
Your number one reason for exercise is unique to you. Maybe you want to fit into a smaller pant size or lower your cholesterol. Or maybe you just love how a good workout makes you feel.

Whatever your reason is, remind yourself of it often. Write it down and place it where you will see it everyday. It may be just the motivation that you needed.

"MOVE December 2010 Challenge"
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